American Sign Language Linguistic Research Project (ASLLRP) Data Access Interface (DAI) 2 Version 2.0

Sign Statistics


The Statistics page provides information about the various dataset included in the Sign Bank.

NOTE this is all based on what is occurring on the dominant hand.

One-handed signs produced with the non-dominant hand are not included in these counts.

*Counts do not include Classifiers, Gestures and Fingerspelled Signs

**Total number of tokens
Number of... American Sign Language Linguistic Research Project (ASLLRP) SignStream® 3 Corpus: Continuous Signing American Sign Language Lexicon Video Dataset (ASLLVD): Citation-Form Signs RIT Isolated Signs DSP Isolated Signs DSP Sentences Entire Sign Bank
Primary entries for signs* 1318 2770 2174 1830 1033 3742
Distinct sign entries/variants* 1897 4096 3410 2285 1266 6439
Sign tokens 17522 9747 11796 2972 3263 45300
Collections 46 N/A N/A N/A 34 N/A
Utterances 2127 N/A N/A N/A 542 N/A
Lexical Signs** 14736 8559 9697 2639 2995 38626
Fingerspelled Signs** 1018 17 61 20 20 1116
Loan Signs** 581 142 221 88 56 1088
Gestures** 309 0 0 4 7 317
Classifiers** 397 47 0 25 50 519
Number Signs** 118 236 405 4 46 809
Compounds** 363 746 1412 199 89 2809
Name Signs** 526 411 1 113 34 1085

Click here to view handshape statistics - American Sign Language Lexicon Video Dataset (ASLLVD): Citation-Form Signs

Click here to view handshape statistics - American Sign Language Linguistic Research Project (ASLLRP) SignStream® 3 Corpus

Statistics         For the ASLLRP SignStream® 3 Corpus, specifically. NOTE this is all based on what is occurring on the dominant hand

Sign Characteristics

Lexical SignsFingerspelled SignsName SignsLoan SignsClassifiers
One Handed77181018506573102
One Handed - Marked # Hands6371020
Two Handed70180208295
Two Handed - Marked # Hands1970081
Passive Base Arm2570708

Utterance Characteristics

Total Occurrences
WH Question338
Yes-No Question259
Rhetorical Question284
Role Shift102
Relative Clause46